It is really easy to get into a debt trap if you do not manage your finances in a proper way. If you use your credit cards to make most of your payments and if you do not manage your finances then you will surely get into a severe debt trap.
There are a few ways to decrease debt such as paying your dues on time, transferring your balance to one card that offers special concessions or paying off higher interest debts at the first instance. Given below are a few easy tips to lower your debts:
Firstly stop using credit cards altogether and using only cash for transactions. If you need to have a credit card then use a single card and that too the one that charges low interest. If possible, spend money only on basic needs, do not spend indiscriminately.
Glance at the interest rate your credit card charges. The rate of interest is the most important factor. It is advisable to clear off your loan with the higher rate of interest. If you are unable to pay in lump sum then replace your card with a card that has a low annual percentage rate (APR).
Contact your credit card companies and ask them to reduce the rate of interest. Once you have paid your debts, thank them for lowering your interest rate. Moreover, pay the entire amount that is pending on the credit card. By paying only the minimum amount you are more likely to remain in debts.
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